New playing venue from 2023: Pavilion A, Cerna Louka Exhibition Centre Cerna louka 3235 702 00 Ostrava Czech Republic GPS: 49°49'59.057"N, 18°17'35.715"E map |
Increased prize money: 180.000 CZK total prize fund 30.000 CZK for FIDE Open A winner |
The chess festival Ostravsky konik 2025
will take place from 10th to 18th May 2025
in pavilion A at the Černá louka exhibition center in Ostrava.
Prize fund of festival tournaments is min. 180.000 CZK in total,
first prize in main FIDE tournament is 30.000 CZK
Entry fee to major tournaments (FIDE Opens) is 1.000 CZK with various discounts available.
Win a free entry fee into major tournaments in the rapid tour or in our Simultaneous Exhibition.
Commemorative simultaneous exhibition for IM Lukáš Klíma will take place on May 9, 2025 in Ostrava!!! Beat the duo GM Šimáček and GM Velička and win a discount on the festival tournaments!
The sixth tournament of rapid tour will take place in Senov on 12.4.2025.
specification, rapid tour, starting rank
The fifth tournament of rapid tour was held in Havirov on 29.3.2025.
113 participants, winner Borys Witczak
more information, results
The fourth tournament of rapid tour was held in Petrvald on 15.3.2025.
162 participants, winner FM Martin Fargač
more information, results
The third tournament of rapid tour was held in Rychvald on 15.2.2025.
131 participants, winner IM Serguei Vesselovsky
more information, results
The second tournament of rapid tour was held in Ostrava-Hrabuvka on 25.1.2025.
145 participants, winner IM Piotr Piesik
more information, results
The first tournament of rapid tour was held in Bilovec on 4.1.2025.
198 participants, winner GM Anton Korobov
more information, results
Series of rapid tournaments in the area around the city of Ostrava held from Jan 4th to Apr 26th 2025, with the chance to win a free entry fee to main FIDE tournaments. More information here.
For rapid tour participants will be offered a special bus from Ostrava!!! We will travel to Bilovec, Rychvald, Petrvald, Havirov and Bohuslavice. The price of a return ticket is 50 CZK.
Po krátké těžké nemoci zemřel
ostravský mezinárodní mistr Lukáš Klíma,
tvář ostravského šachového festivalu.
Poslední rozloučení se uskuteční
v pátek 19. července 2024 v 15:00 hodin
ve smuteční síni krematoria ve Slezské Ostravě.
parte MČR muži, MČR ženy, FIDE Open A (1-6) MČR muži, MČR ženy, FIDE Open A (1-6) MČR muži, MČR ženy, FIDE Open A (1-6)
youtube: round 1, round 2, round 3, round 4, round 5, round 6, round 7, round 8, round 9
Czech Men's Championship:
round 1-9,
(1. GM David Navara [CZE] ◆ 2. IM Richard Stalmach [CZE] ◆ 3. IM Václav Finěk [CZE])
Czech Women's Championship:
round 1-8
(1. WGM Julia Movsesian [CZE] ◆ 2. Martina Kořenová [CZE] ◆ 3. WGM Olga Sikorová [CZE])
FIDE Open "A":
round 1-9,
(1. IM Piotr Nguyen [POL] ◆ 2. Maciej Świcarz [POL] ◆ 3. FM Hubert Meers [POL])
FIDE Open "B":
round 1-9,
(1. Vahid Bashirli [AZE] ◆ 2. Huseyn Gurbanov [AZE] ◆ 3. Patrik Schoupal [CZE])
FIDE Open "C":
round 1-9,
(1. Yusif Gadirov [AZE] ◆ 2. Amin Nasibli [AZE] ◆ 3. Tomasz Wojciechowski [POL])
Fischer Random chess tournament (29.4.2024): ranking (1. FM Michal Novotný [CZE] ◆ 2. Jiří Jireš [CZE] ◆ 3. IM Lukáš Klíma [CZE])
Bughouse tournament (30.4.2024): ranking (1. Mrva - Jireš [CZE] ◆ 2. Jedlička - Novotný [CZE] ◆ 3. Bolacký - P.Dostál [CZE])
Tournament in retro chess by dictation (1.5.2024): ranking (1. Lukáš Fryč [CZE] ◆ 2. Tymon Jaworski [POL] ◆ 3. Kacper Ugorek [POL])
Children rapid tournament (2.5.2024):
A (žáci ZŠ 1.-2. třída):
round 1-7,
(1. Damian Židek ◆ 2. Dominik Šonka ◆ 3. Daniel Dohnal)
B (žáci ZŠ 3.-5. třída):
round 1-7,
(1. Martin Muroň ◆ 2. Hugo Walder ◆ 3. David Vydra)
C (žáci ZŠ 6.-9. třída):
round 1-7,
(1. Viktorie Buchtová ◆ 2. Richard Mazurek ◆ 3. Tobias Svoboda)
Blitz tournament (3.5.2024): round 1-11, ranking (1. Babak Jafarli [AZE] ◆ 2. Maciej Swicarz [POL] ◆ 3. FM Jáchym Němec [CZE])
25.4.2024 - Ostravský koník odstartoval šachovou simultánkou. Přijede i Navara
27.4.2024 - Začíná Ostravský koník
28.4.2024 - Očima účastníka
29.4.2024 - Dámy zahajují
30.4.2024 - Kde jinde?
1.5.2024 - Tvrdé boje v Ostravě
2.5.2024 - Dva střelci víc než dáma?
3.5.2024 - Konec se blíží
4.5.2024 - Cíl je blízko
5.5.2024 - Částečně rozhodnuto
6.5.2024 - Konec-začátek
7.5.2024 - Konec konce
8.5.2024 - Třináctý titul
9.5.2024 - Vrba
13.5.2024 - „Kořenka“ na třetí pokus
19.7.2024 - Kdy, když ne teď?
27.4.2024 - Odstartovalo MČR mužů a žen!
29.4.2024 - MČR mužů a žen – po dvou kolech nikdo stoprocentní!
1.5.2024 - MČR mužů a žen – Navara poražen
3.5.2024 - MČR mužů a žen – Navara v čele
5.5.2024 - Mistry ČR Movsesjan a Navara
rajče Ostravský koník
facebook Ostravský koník
The chess festival Ostravsky konik 2024
will take place from 27th April to 5th May 2024
in pavilion A at the Černá louka exhibition center in Ostrava.
Prize fund of festival tournaments is min. 180.000 CZK in total,
first prize in main FIDE tournament is 30.000 CZK
entry fee to major tournaments (FIDE Opens) is 1.000 CZK with various discounts available.
Win a free entry fee into major tournaments in our simultaneous tour or in the rapid tour.
The festival will also include the prestigious Czech Championship for men and for women.
Congratulations to the winners of the individual rapid tour categories, who thus received free entry fees to the festival tournaments: (results):
Łęcki, Sobek, Krajina • Fryč, Zvolánek, Jendrowiak • Wojs, Staniczek, Figa
The seventh tournament of rapid tour was held in Bohuslavice on 20.4.2024.
146 participants, winner IM Piotr Piesik
more information, results
Simultaneous tour will be held in April again: 4.4. Bohumin, 10.4. Frydek-Mistek, 12.4. Dobra, 16.4. Hrabyne, 18.4. Frenstat p.R.,
25.4. Ostrava!!!
Win a discount to the festival tournaments!
The sixth tournament of rapid tour was held in Senov on 6.4.2024.
106 participants, winner IM Lukáš Klíma
more information, results
The fifth tournament of rapid tour was held in Petrvald on 16.3.2024.
172 participants, winner GM Vítězslav Rašík
more information, results
The fourth tournament of rapid tour was held in Havirov on 2.3.2024.
115 participants, winner IM Vojtěch Zwardoń
more information, results
The third tournament of rapid tour was held in Rychvald on 17.2.2024.
130 participants, winner FM Kacper Tomaszewski
more information, results
The second tournament of rapid tour was held in Ostrava-Hrabuvka on 20.1.2024.
154 participants, winner IM Bartłomiej Niedbała
more information, results
The first tournament of rapid tour was held in Bilovec on 6.1.2024.
188 participants, winner GM Anton Korobov
more information, results
Series of rapid tournaments in the area around the city of Ostrava held from Jan 6th to Apr 20th 2024, with the chance to win a free entry fee to main FIDE tournaments. More information here.
For rapid tour participants will be offered a special bus from Ostrava!!! We will travel to Bilovec, Rychvald, Havirov, Petrvald and Bohuslavice. The price of a return ticket is 50 CZK.
FIDE Open "A" (1-8) + FIDE Open "B" (1-5):
FIDE Open "A":
round 1-9,
(1. IM Rohith Krishna [IND] ◆ 2. FM Mike Ivanov [CAN] ◆ 3. GM Łukasz Jarmuła [POL])
FIDE Open "B":
round 1-9,
(1. Jakub Rakovský [SVK] ◆ 2. Bartoloměj Buchta [CZE] ◆ 3. Jonáš Ďurana [SVK])
FIDE Open "C":
round 1-9,
(1. Antonín Zemek [CZE] ◆ 2. Michal Gřes [CZE] ◆ 3. Tereza Horková [CZE])
Chess pub quiz (7.5.2023): (1. PATA PUF ◆ 2.-3. Slavoj ◆ 2.-3. Veselý tým)
Bughouse tournament (9.5.2023): ranking (1. Kudla - L.Veselý [CZE] ◆ 2. Jacobsen - Hald Falkesgaard [DEN] ◆ 3. Jelínek - M.Veselý [CZE])
Tournament in retro chess by dictation (10.5.2023): ranking (1. IM Lukáš Klíma [CZE] ◆ 2. Martin Veselý [CZE] ◆ 3. Maxime Muller [FRA])
Children rapid tournament (11.5.2023):
A (žáci ZŠ 1.-2. třída):
round 1-7,
(1. Damian Židek ◆ 2. Zikmund Šeděnka ◆ 3. Marek Žurek)
B (žáci ZŠ 3.-5. třída):
round 1-7,
(1. Nikol Bartečková ◆ 2. Vít Buček ◆ 3. Hugo Walder)
C (žáci ZŠ 6.-9. třída):
round 1-7,
(1. Šimon Kristl ◆ 2. Viktorie Buchtová ◆ 3. Denisa Bartečková)
Blitz tournament (12.5.2023): round 1-11, ranking (1. GM Petro Golubka [UKR] ◆ 2. IM Matyáš Marek [CZE] ◆ 3. FM Pavel Jirásek [CZE])
rajče Ostravský koník
facebook Ostravský koník
The International chess festival Ostravsky konik is the biggest chess event in the Moravian-Silesian region every year.
However, after 17 years in the Culture House of Ostrava, due to its reconstruction and construction of a new concert hall, it is moving to new spaces in Cerna Louka Exhibition Centre.
It will thus be closer to the center of Ostrava, with very good transport accessibility, in a pavilion with approximately twice the area of the Culture House.
After the traditional promotional events (7 tournaments as part of the rapid tour and the simultaneous tour of IM Lukas Klima), the main festival program will take place on May 6-14, 2023:
The chess festival Ostravsky konik 2023
will take place from 6th to 14th May 2023
in pavilion A at the Černá louka exhibition center in Ostrava.
Prize fund of festival tournaments is min. 180.000 CZK in total,
first prize in main FIDE tournament is 30.000 CZK
entry fee to major tournaments (FIDE Opens) is 1.000 CZK with various discounts available.
Win a free entry fee into major tournaments in our simultaneous tour or in the rapid tour.
Congratulations to the winners of the individual rapid tour categories, who thus received free entry fees to the festival tournaments: (results):
Miča, Lys, Potomák, Kozel • Řezníček, G.Kroliczek, Vízner • Bjolek, Jendrowiak, Wojs
The seventh tournament of rapid tour was held in Bohuslavice on 22.4.2023.
178 participants, winner GM Vojtěch Plát
more information, results
The sixth tournament of rapid tour was held in Senov on 15.4.2023.
102 participants, winner GM Vítězslav Rašík
more information, results
Simultaneous tour will be held in April again: 13.4. Bohumin, 14.4. Pist, 18.4. Hrabyne,
21.4. Dobra, 26.4. Frydek-Mistek, 27.4. Frenstat p.R., 5.5. Ostrava!!!
Win a discount to the festival tournaments!
The fifth tournament of rapid tour was held in Havirov on 1.4.2023.
92 participants, winner FM Marek Miča
more information, results
The fourth tournament of rapid tour was held in Petrvald on 18.3.2023.
134 participants, winner FM Lumír Mrázek
more information, results
The third tournament of rapid tour was held in Rychvald on 25.2.2023.
142 participants, winner Ernest Gibiec
more information, results
The second tournament of rapid tour was held in Ostrava-Hrabuvka on 28.1.2023.
150 participants, winner IM Piotr Piesik
more information, results
The first tournament of rapid tour was held in Bilovec on 7.1.2023.
166 participants, winner FM Stanisław Żyłka
more information, results
Series of rapid tournaments in the area around the city of Ostrava held from Jan 7th to Apr 22nd 2023, with the chance to win a free entry fee to main FIDE tournaments. More information here.
For rapid tour participants will be offered a special bus from Ostrava!!! We will travel to Bilovec, Rychvald, Petrvald, Havirov and Bohuslavice. The price of a return ticket is 30 CZK.
The festival is moving to new spaces in Cerna Louka Exhibition Centre. Closer to the center of Ostrava, to a pavilion with approximately twice the area of the House of Culture.
Tournament takes places in a cultural environment, in a large and air-conditioned room with plenty of space at the chessboard...
In the next-door hall you can analyze your own game or listen to live commentary IM Lukas Klima to ongoing online games...
All necessary information, schedules, tables and statistics - arranged and regularly updated...
Additional tournaments, accompanying festival events and exhibitions, friendly atmosphere, correct decisions, fair play...