

Rapid tour (series of rapid tournaments) in cities and towns of the Moravian-Silesian Region (6th January - 20th April 2024)
 • Rapid tour - a series of seven rapid tournaments in and around Ostrava held annually in the spring before the start of the chess festival Ostravsky konik. A combination of well-attended and smaller tournaments, where the unifying element is the easy accessibility from Ostrava, reinforced by a unique chess bus ensuring the transportation of participants from Ostrava to the tournament venue and back. (6th January - 20th April 2024)
System of game:7 tournaments, swiss system, 9 rounds, 2 × 13 mins + 2 secs for move, (except of Petřvald: 2 x 15 mins)
Attendance:without restrictions
Prize fund:Bílovec (32.000 CZK), Ostrava-Hrabůvka (13.000 CZK), Rychvald (9.100 CZK), Havířov (10.600 CZK), Petřvald (6.200 CZK), Šenov (9.400 CZK), Bohuslavice (26.300 CZK)
the best players in the individual categories of the entire rapid tour will win a free entry fee to the FIDE Open tournaments of the chess festival Ostravsky konik!!!
Entry fees:100 - 150 CZK, for some tournaments with the possibility of discounts
Time schedule:Bílovec (6.1.), Ostrava-Hrabůvka (20.1.), Rychvald (17.2.), Havířov (2.3.), Petřvald (16.3.), Šenov (6.4.), Bohuslavice (20.4.)
More information:see
Simultaneous tour (series of simultaneous game sessions) in cities and towns of the Moravian-Silesian Region (1st April - 26th April 2024)
 • Simultaneous tour - a unique promotional event, when the well-known Ostravian international master Lukáš Klíma will play a simultaneous production against local chess players or interested members of the public in several places in the Moravian-Silesian region in the month of April. (1st April - 26th April 2024)
System of game:without a time limit
Attendance:without restrictions
Prize fund:each winner over IM Lukáš Klíma will get for himself a discount on the entry fee for the FIDE Open tournaments of the chess festival Ostravsky konik!!!
Entry fees:free of charge
Time schedule:in preparation...
More information:see Simultaneous tour
The main program of the festival in Ostrava, at the Černá louka exhibition center (27th April - 5th May 2024)
 • Czech Men's Championship - closed tournament for the champion of the Czech Republic (27th April - 5th May 2024)
System of game:round-robin, 90 mins for 40 moves + 30 mins till the end + 30 secs for move
criteria used for ranking: number of points, Sonneborn-Berger, mutual game, result against the better player, draw
Sofia Rule – players may agree to a draw only after the 30th turn is completed
all games will be streamed on the Internet and commented live by IM Klima
Attendance:only for 10 designated Czech players according to the schedule of the Championship
Prize fund:320.000 CZK, reward for the winners (1-2-3): 80.000 CZK - 60.000 CZK - 40.000 CZK
Time schedule:27th April - 4th May 2024 daily at 16h,
5th May 2024 at 10h
More information:see Czech Championship (in Czech language only)
 • Czech Women's Championship - closed tournament for the champion of the Czech Republic (28th April - 5th May 2024)
System of game:elimination system, 2 games: 90 mins for 40 moves + 30 mins till the end + 30 secs for move
in case of result 1:1, another 2 games will follow in rapid: 15 mins + 5 secs per move
in case of result 2:2, another 2 games will follow in blitz: 3 mins + 2 secs per move
in case of result 3:3, armageddon follows at a rate of 5 minutes for white against 4 minutes for black, with an addition of 2 seconds from the 60th move
all games will be streamed on the Internet and commented live by IM Klima
Attendance:only for 12 designated Czech players according to the schedule of the Championship
Prize fund:120.000 CZK, reward for the winners (1-2-3): 30.000 CZK - 24.000 CZK - 18.000 CZK
Time schedule:28th - 29th April 2024 daily at 16h ... qualifications,
30th April - 1st May 2024 daily at 16h ... quarterfinals,
2nd - 3rd May 2024 daily at 16h ... semifinals,
4th May 2024 at 16h, 5th May 2024 at 10h ... final and 3rd place match
More information:see Czech Championship (in Czech language only)
 • FIDE Opens "A", "B" and "C" - FIDE-rated open tournaments (27th April - 5th May 2024)
System of game:swiss system, 9 rounds, 90 mins for 40 moves + 30 mins till the end + 30 secs for move
criteria used for ranking: number of points, middle Buchholz, Buchholz, progress, average ELO of competitors
waiting time is 60 minutes
top games will be streamed on the Internet and commented live by IM Klima
Attendance:FIDE Open "A": players with FIDE rating > 1900, exceptions: max 20% with FIDE rating <= 1900
FIDE Open "B": players with FIDE rating < 2000
FIDE Open "C": players with FIDE rating < 1700
Prize fund:FIDE Open "A": 90.000 CZK, reward for the winners (1-2-3): 30.000 CZK - 20.000 CZK - 10.000 CZK
FIDE Open "B": 40.000 CZK, reward for the winners (1-2-3): 10.000 CZK - 7.000 CZK - 5.000 CZK
FIDE Open "C": 40.000 CZK, reward for the winners (1-2-3): 10.000 CZK - 7.000 CZK - 5.000 CZK
Entry fees:1.000 CZK, with the possibility of various discounts (timely payment, team, junior, senior, female, handicapped, rapid tour, simultaneous tour)
Time schedule:27th April - 4th May 2024 daily at 16h,
5th May 2024 at 10h
 • Chess pub quiz - a quiz with questions from a chess environment (28th April 2024)
System of game:will be specified soon
Attendance:without restrictions
Prize fund:700 CZK in vouchers for the chess bar, reward for the winners (1-2-3): 400 CZK - 200 CZK - 100 CZK
Entry fees:free of charge
Time schedule:Sunday 28th April 2024, start at 20h, finish c. at 22:30
 • Fischer Random chess tournament - random draw of starting position (29th April 2024)
System of game:swiss system, 7 rounds (or another according to the number of participants), 3 minutes preparation, then 2 × 5 mins + 3 secs for move
Attendance:without restrictions
Prize fund:700 CZK in vouchers for the chess bar, reward for the winners (1-2-3): 400 CZK - 200 CZK - 100 CZK
Entry fees:free of charge
Time schedule:Monday 29th April 2024, start at 20h, finish c. at 22:30
 • Bughouse tournament - variant without dropping checkmate from hand (30th April 2024)
System of game:swiss system, 7 rounds, with revenge + play-off (or another according to the number of participants), 2 × 5 mins
in revenge the lost team will change boards
it is not allowed to drop checkmate from hand, the pawn on the last row is lost
Attendance:without restrictions
Prize fund:2.000 CZK, reward for the winners (1-2-3): 1.000 CZK - 500 CZK - 500 CZK
Entry fees:100 CZK for a team
Time schedule:Tuesday 30th April 2024, start at 21h, finish c. at 23:00 (the next day is a public holiday in Czechia)
 • Tournament in retro chess by dictation - historical variant of blitz chess (1st May 2024)
System of game:swiss system, 9 rounds (or another according to the number of participants), 5 seconds per move (according to dictation "white now", "black now"),
position estimate after 12 minutes of play
Attendance:without restrictions
Prize fund:700 CZK in vouchers for the chess bar, reward for the winners (1-2-3): 400 CZK - 200 CZK - 100 CZK
Entry fees:free of charge
Time schedule:Wednesday 1st May 2024, start at 20h, finish c. at 22:00
 • Championship of schoolchildren in rapid (2nd May 2024)
System of game:3 tournaments divided by age (1st-2nd grade and younger, 3rd-5th grade, 6th-9th grade),
swiss system, 7 rounds, 2 x 15 mins
Attendance:only pupil of ostravian kindergartens, elementary schools or secondary schools (first level)
Prize fund:material prizes in each category for the first 3 players and the best 3 girls, in the total amount of approx. 7.000 CZK
Entry fees:free of charge
Time schedule:Thursday 2nd May 2024, start at 8:30, finish c. at 13:00
More information:see
 • Blitz tournament - FIDE-blitz-rated open tournament (3rd May 2024)
System of game:swiss system, 11 rounds, 2 x 5 min.
criteria used for ranking: number of points, middle Buchholz, Buchholz, progress, average ELO of competitors
Attendance:without restrictions
Prize fund:8.000 CZK, reward for the winners (1-2-3): 2.000 CZK - 1.500 CZK - 1.000 CZK
Entry fees:100 CZK
Time schedule:Friday 3rd May 2024, start at 21h, finish c. at 24:00
Place of games:Pavilon A, Vystaviste Cerna louka
Cerna louka 3235,  Ostrava,  Czech Republic